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Free shifts to school gyms for minors

Lahti is testing free gym shifts to support the physical activity of children and young people. The shifts have a fixed schedule and are initially available from 15 April to 12 May. Minors can book shifts in Laune at the community centre Lähde, Kivimaa at the community centre Aarre, and Nastola at Loisto.
Lapsia liikuntasalissa

Own shifts allow minors to exercise with their family or friends from the neighbourhood. All visible equipment in the gym is available, and gym users can borrow additional exercise equipment from libraries with a library card.

Free shifts are intended only for private residents, not for sports clubs or paid activities. The conditions for getting a shift are that minors use the gym, and an adult takes responsibility for them.
The experiment’s background is Lahti’s Hobby Guarantee, which aims to offer a meaningful and free hobby to every Lahti resident under 18.

You can find more information about the available shifts on the website using the search term “maksuttomat”. The library’s exercise equipment selection is available in the Lastu online library.