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Web Map Service provides map materials in raster format

The materials are provided as raster images that can be used as background maps, for example.
The materials can be shared materials with guide map service or personal materials that are created only for the Web Map Service.

You can make surveys with the materials available in the service by using supported client applications (e.g. Gaia, AutoCAD Map 3D, MapInfo, ArcGIS, QGIS).

The client application sends a GetCapabilities or GetMap survey to the web server, and the web server then sends it to the RasterServer program. RasterServer retrieves the material related to the survey from the rasterised files, transforms its coordinates if necessary, and returns it through the web server to the client application. The service does not require registration (username).

The following materials are available at the Web Map Service:

  • guide map
  • orthoimages
  • soil map
  • city plan
  • master plan

You can find available materials in their entirety in the interface service.

Address of the Web Map Service:

Web Feature Service provides KuntaGML and simple feature type geographical information materials in vector format

The materials are provided in the service as single geographic features displayed in the vector format.

You can make surveys with the materials available in the service by using supported client applications such as

The client application sends the web server a GetCapabilities, DescribeFeatureType or GetFeature survey, and the web server retrieves the material related to the survey from the caching database. Material related to the survey is returned to the client application through the web server. The service requires registration.

The following materials are available at the Web Feature Service:

  • base map
  • city plan
  • guide map
  • addresses

You can find available materials in their entirety in the interface service.